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Posted in Uncategorized tagged adelaide, Escape artist, Husky, Tripawd at 6:55 pm by Karma
Hello our friends.
we thought we’d share, for any new tripawd parents, that our dear sweet tripawd puppies can get into just as much trouble on 3 legs as on 4. The following picture is from today, when Adelaide was caught digging at the fence. And as husky’s tend to be, she had absolutely no remorse.

If you read some of our other posts, you will see she has succeeded s few times in the past. But not today!
Posted in Uncategorized at 1:41 am by Karma
I haven’t been blogging much lately, but if anyone needs a laugh, my girls can provide. Adelaide is now 4 1/2 years old, and she is still ever the trouble maker. Between her and her younger sister, Maggie May, there is always something they are getting into.
Don’t let there innocent looks fool you.

Because they usually are doing this…

They go to daycare twice a week and that really helps. Adelaide is known for bullying the camp workers when she doesn’t want to leave her kennel and for spending the rest of the time laying underneath the dripping hose that is in the outside yard. They enjoy going for rides, and even to the vet until someone in scrubs walks in. This was a couple weeks ago at their last wellness visit.

Now mornings. We love sleeping in. Adelaide is not a cuddler but at least she is not a fan of mornings like her momma. When I’m getting ready in the morning, this is her…

“Do we have to get up mom?”
Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention that Adelaide let’s Mathilde eat her food. Nobody else can. But obviously Mathilde is an exception.

But… shenanigans abound. This superbowl Sunday, I came home early from a party. As soon as I opened up the door, I could smell smoke/burning rubber and I could see shredded paper products all over the kitchen and dining room. Someone had turned on one of the stove burners and a trivet was on the stove. The metal was so hot that it had turned white. And in the middle of all the mayhem? This girl had absolutely no remorse.

And then, tonight when I got home, I could see the tv on as I pulled into the driveway…. the girls had turned the tv on, an not just that, looks like they decided to record Jeopardy.

So, the moral to these tales… Don’t underestimate a tripawd. They are fully capable of getting into all the trouble as a quad paw, and maybe even more.
Karma, Adelaide and the pack, and always with our angel Brendol
Posted in Uncategorized at 2:59 am by Karma
Hurry down the chimney because the girls say they’ve all been good this year. (I’m not saying a word)
Adelaide and her sisters went to see Santa! This was not our best year as far as posing. Every time I’d have them all set, and then back up, Aissa would get up to follow me. And she no longer hears, sees, nor listens in general, so it was trying. And when I finally got her to not move, Adelaide was over being good. Maggie May was just plain tired.

Santa 2016 – L to R Aissa, Adelaide, Santa, and Maggie May
But the girls were really good in line for having dogs and people everywhere. Many people asked to take pictures of the girls and come pet them, which they ate up. And the photo lady said that Maggie May was the 2nd largest dog this season they had had, coming in under a Mastiff that had been there the previous week. She doesn’t look all that big when she’s laying next to Santa with her legs hidden (she always does that).
These pics were the girls on the way home…

Adelaide and Maggie May


Adelaide with her pretty new Christmas collar

Maggie May with her new pretty Christmas collar
Merry Christmas to all our Tripawds friends! May your Holiday be bright.
From Adelaide and her family
Posted in Uncategorized at 1:03 am by Karma
Per usual, I’m a couple days late. But on 3/19/2013, 3 years ago, I went and picked up Miss Adelaide, then named Murphy, and brought her home. And life has been a joy since. With a few escapes and a few other notable moments. She has turned into a very sweet girl. She hangs out with her other canine sisters (Aissa and Maggie May) and her feline siblings. She digs like crazy even with just one front leg and takes full advantage of only one shoulder.
I love you Miss Adelaide (aka Addy)

Karma, Adelaide and the pack, and always with our angel Brendol
Posted in Uncategorized at 2:19 am by Karma
Most of you know that we recommend putting flooring down on hard surfaces to allow our tripawds to gain better traction and aid their getting around. And some of you know that my particular tripawd, Adelaide, actually prefers to slide… on purpose. Yep, that’s right. She does a couple hops and then slides her one front paw across the floor. I keep trying to catch her doing this on video. But once I have a camera ready, she just looks at me funny.
Well, again, I did not have a camera. However, I wanted to share a funny story from this morning. I was getting both Adelaide and Maggie May ready for daycare, and had put their leashes on. We were in the dining room, and here comes Adelaide hopping along. She stepped on her leash and slid a good 3 feet. And you could tell it was on purpose. Then she turned around and went back to the kitchen a little ways, made a U-turn, and came back toward Maggie May and I and hopped her way up to where she firmly planted her front paw on Maggie May’s leash and then slid another good 3 feet. OMG! On purpose! I know many of you won’t believe me. But I swear, she loves to slide. And I am going to catch her someday on video. I don’t know how, but it’s just too dang cute.
Anyways, that’s our story. Wish y’all could see it.
Posted in Uncategorized at 4:51 am by Karma
We saw Santa! We saw Santa!
I apologize for not posting in quite a while. Lots going on, but all good. Today the girls went to get their pictures with Santa. And they all did so good. This is Maggie May’s (the great pyrenees) first Christmas. We even waited 30 minutes for Santa to get his pants. 😉 Yes, Santa forgot his pants, but he did have non-Santa pants on while we waited. The local humane society had the pictures to raise money, and they did a really nice job.

This seemed to be everybody’s favorite (above). But Maggie May wasn’t smiling. Here are a few others.

Now, all these pictures look like angels sitting with Santa. But there were some out takes.
In this one Maggie May had had enough.

And in this one, Adelaide was trying to get extra credit with Santa.

But overall, they were good girls. Everybody loved them all. We got compliments on them all behaving, and all being so pretty. And… we are going to go see Santa again in a week. Just to make sure he gets the list right. 😉

Merry Christmas!
Karma, Adelaide, Aissa, Maggie May, and not in the pictures Mathilde, Morrigan, and Bagheera. (with Brendol as our angel always)
Posted in Uncategorized at 3:43 am by Karma
What is a tripawd-cation you ask? Well, it is the combination of a vacation and a tripawd party all rolled into one, of course. And it is PAWESOME.
I traveled to Colorado a couple weeks ago because 1) I had a family reunion to attend, and 2) I really wanted to take some R&R in the good ol’ Rocky Mountains. With a little planning, I incorporated a few tripawd visits along the way.
First stop, Squirt and his mom Janine. We met up for lunch in Denver and hung out at a park. Squirt is super adorable and his mom is super nice. This is Squirt…

After visiting the handsome tripawd Squirt, I drove North to meet spokesdog Wyatt! The drive up to see him was very pretty. This is one of the many pictures from the drive.

Then I met the celebrity himself. Mr. Wyatt sure is handsome…

And Jim (admin) and Rene (jerry) were pawesome hosts. I was able to see a bit of the ‘day-in-the-life’ of our tripawd founders. And we had a “working lunch” on one of the days.

On one afternoon, I took a drive up through the Roosevelt National Park. One of the roads was called Deadman Road… 22 miles of narrow dirt road up over the mountain range. I loved the scenery and serenity of it.

And we took Wyatt to a lake to go for a swim. He’s quite the swimmer and loves to go get the sticks. He is also pretty good at NOT shaking off on top of you when he comes back to shore each time. But you have to watch or he’ll get ya. 😉

And when we were walking back to the truck, we were given an aerial show from a bald eagle and a hawk fighting over territory. After the eagle succeeded in chasing the hawk off, she took to the top of a dead pine tree. Below is a picture of the eagle and a few other critters that I came across during my trip (including elk and a very friendly marmot).

After visiting with Jim, Rene, and Wyatt, I was going to go meet Shari (angel Dakota and Evelyn’s mom), but something came up to where we were not able to get together. So I headed over to Estes Park and spent the night at the Stanley Hotel. The next day, I took a drive through the Rocky Mountain National Park and up over what is called trail ridge road. The road goes up across the continental divide and is in excess of 2 miles of above sea level. It crosses the mountain ranges above the timber line, which is where trees do not grow because of the high altitude. Here are a few more pictures from the rest of the trip.

And to leave you … some mountain flowers.

So next time you are considering your vacation… maybe contact some of the local tripawd members for some meet-ups. Makes for a more social vacation. 🙂
Posted in Uncategorized at 12:05 am by Karma
Yes, you read that right. Extra Extra, read all about it. Georgia had some huge boomers today and Miss Adelaide was at daycare and didn’t bat an eye. No hiding in Dave’s bedroom! When I picked her up, she wasn’t sulking, she wasn’t scared, she was bouncing around excited like life was just hunky dory. The only thing I’ve done so far, was the last storm which I was home for, I put her leash on and I would actually not let her go hide. I made her stay with me in the living room watching tv. We talked, we laughed, I made funny noises… anything to show her that nothing was scary. She could sit next to me, or she could lay on the floor in front of me on the couch. But she could not leave and go hide. Who knows, maybe that did it. But today we were not afraid! (I sure hope I didn’t just jinx myself)

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:01 pm by Karma
Happy Birthday to Aissa May. Some time in June, she turns 14. We don’t know a specific birthday since she was found in the middle of an interstate as a baby with a bad case of mange and worms. I adopted her from the Humane Society that had taken her in and gotten her well. She had sarcoptic mange initially and when I adopted her, she still was battling demodex mange for a few months. Here was a picture of her intake with the Humane Society.

Aissa when found
By approximate age, she is now 14 years old! And she is a loved and happy girl. Today we had a Birthday cookie, and Adelaide got a flower cookie too!

Aissa May loved her treat. Here are a few pictures both from the other night after daycare and today enjoying her cookie.

Aissa with her buddy Mathilde

Birthday treat
And then the best picture of the group was one of Adelaide of course. This was her getting her cookie.

Adelaide and her cookie
And now everybody is in their post treat comas and enjoying the air conditioning on a warm summer day. If anyone is wondering about Adelaide’s storm issues. Well, they are still going on. We haven’t gotten the thundershirt yet. Not opposed, just working on a few things. Right now, she heads for under the bed every time it storms. And she stays there for hours afterwards. She is also nervous about going outside for the first 12 hours or so afterwards.
Happy Birthday to my dear Aissa May! Love you always.
Posted in Uncategorized tagged storm phobia at 1:15 am by Karma
Well! Adelaide is 3 years old, and has overnight developed a phobia of lightning storms. 🙁
Last night I went to find her, and found her in the small hallway to the garage. At first, I thought she looked guilty and had been trying to get into the dog food. It was dinner time, and I fed the dogs and figured that would take care of her strange behavior. But she didn’t eat and went straight back to the hall. My next guess was that she needed to go outside. It was raining and lightning, but if she needed to go, she needed to go. Out in the rain we went. And she didn’t seem to be paying attention to the storm. I, however, was a little concerned that lightning might decide that me and my umbrella were a good target. Adelaide did her business and we headed back inside. BAM, she headed straight back to the hall. I decided next to just leave her be a bit, but then I could hear her trying to squeeze through the cat door inside the pet gate (which she can fit). I coaxed her into the living room with me, and brought her up on my lap to hold her like I used to do with Brendol when B’s farts had her terrified. But that didn’t last either, and she got down and went back to the hall.

Final option was to pack everyone up and go up to bed. As soon as she got up there, she laid down on the bed and was more comfortable, but kept giving a worried gaze toward the window. Then she jumped down. Well, she often sleeps on the floor for half the night, so I just waited. When I checked on her later, she had crawled under the bed to sleep. She spent all night under the bed.
We had more storms today, so I mentioned it to the pet sitter to keep an eye on her. When I picked her up, sure enough… when it was storming, she hid in their bedroom. SO, ADDY HAS STORM PHOBIA NOW.
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