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Posted in Uncategorized tagged Dog Day Care at 3:52 pm by Karma
Little Adelaide is loving day care and making a ton of new friends. When I picked her up on Thursday, the pawrent of a new black standard poodle stopped to say hi and that his “Charlie” just adores Adelaide. From the pictures that the daycare post on Facebook, I can see she is having a blast. Here are a few of the pictures they shared from Tuesday.

Happy Face

Fun at Daycare

New friends (can’t get it to rotate)

You done with that ball?

Just Me and My Buddy!

The standard poodle is our new friend, Charlie

Here’s How We End Our Long Day
Until next time….
Posted in Uncategorized tagged Hide-A-Hedgehog at 12:56 am by Karma
Today is Adelaides adopted 1st birthday. I don’t really know when she was born, all I know is she is about 1 year old. So when I adopted her I decided that 4/15 was going to be her birthday (so that I can remember it). 😀 So Happy Happy Birthday my sweet hyper girl.
Adelaide recently got a Hide-A-Hedgehog and here is her playing with her new toy…
Posted in Uncategorized tagged cats, dogs at 3:53 pm by Karma
Adelaide has been in the family since March 19th, a little over 3 weeks. She has settled in great. My only irritation has been her persistent bothering and chasing of the two cats in the family. Slowly, day after day, it is getting better. I dream of the day when I find a cat curled up next to Adelaide. Some of you may think that is a naive goal ;). However,….. drum roll please….. last night, this crazy dog 
and this silly cat

laid down on the bed one foot away from each other.
Mathilde actually jumped up on the bed and laid down in the vicinity of Adelaide. Adelaide got up and even sniffed her with no excitement or aggression and Mathilde didn’t hiss back. So Adelaide laid down too. For a while, Adelaide had laid her head down on her paw and Mathilde’s tail kept swishing over Addy’s nose! I watched them for a while making sure havic did not ensue. And THAT is the way we all fell asleep last night!! 😀
Posted in Uncategorized at 12:24 am by Karma
Today, April 5th, our company (National Vision, Inc.) had their second Bring Your Dog to Work Day! And Adelaide went to work with me. I did not bring Brendol or Aissa because Brendol has been so tired and is on chemo and Aissa wouldn’t like that much activity. But Adelaide was such a good girl!
I posted the following poster for Adelaide so that I wouldn’t have to tell everybody the store – didn’t work though. I think I told her story about a dozen times today. 😀

Addy’s poster
This was Adelaide’s set up at the office.

Office SetThe
The first hour and a half were very busy greeting everybody that walked by. Addy got a TON of LOVING! We went for a little walk at lunchtime and took a drive to get something to eat. Then after lunch time, I let Addy have her treatball to play with for a bit.

Toy Corner
The afternoon, she was pretty tuckered out. She had to sleep next to the door so that she wouldn’t miss anything.

Don’t want to miss anything
After a long day, we headed home. It was nice out today, so I opened up the sun roof…

Happy Girl
And now we are RESTING! YAY! We love Bring Your Dog to Work Day!

Work Day is Done
Posted in Uncategorized at 9:05 pm by Karma
Miss Adelaide had her first day at daycare yesterday. I tried to get a picture of her when I was dropping her off, but she just wouldn’t hold still. So all I got was this butt shot.

Addy’s drop off
When I picked her up, they said she did very good. She was so happy to see me, which made me very happy too. I got lots of kisses and loving. Here are her sleepy looks on the way home and when we went to bed last night. My friends said that she looks stoned. Stones with happiness!

Ride Home
Here’s Adelaide with one of her new babies. I have found that she is really good about staying on the bed with me at night time, but if she wakes up and starts getting bored, then the bedspread is fair game. So now we have bed toys that are just for her to play with in bed. She’s cute about them too, if one slides off and down to the trunk, she scootches down to retrieve it and put it back up on the bed.

Sleepy Addy
And last Stoned Addy look for the night.

Stoned Addy
Posted in Uncategorized at 10:13 pm by Karma
Happy Easter everybody! Adelaide has been having a ton of fun today with her sisters. They aren’t as thrilled with her level of energy though. Here is an action shot

Addy and B playing
And to see them in action, here is a short video. You might want to turn your sound down because they don’t play quietly. You will hear mostly Aissa barking in the background.
Posted in Uncategorized at 11:52 pm by Karma
Miss Adleaide went to PetSmart today and she was a very good girl. She got a lot of looks. When we got back by the dog food aisle, a little boy (about 8 or 9 years old) yelled out, “Look Dad, a wolf!”. That got some looks, but his Dad corrected him that she was a husky. This little boy was fascinated by her, and then he noticed she only had 3 legs. I can bet he went home and told him mom all about her! Addy did good, she let people pet her and one man she leaned up against and gave him her belly for a belly rub. (Too bad, he was married)
Addy loves nylabones and antlers and fortunately for me, Brendol and Aissa don’t like those. We have a new supply of things to chew. Here is Adelaide laying in the midst of her hoard of toys…

Addy’s New Toys
Posted in Uncategorized tagged Daycare, Husky, Tripawd at 2:52 pm by Karma
Happy Friday everyone, unless you are in Australia (Natalie) and then Happy Saturday!
Well, Miss Adelaide had her interview to be accepted into daycare last night and she was a very good girl. Playing and romping and giving kisses to the interviewer. So, on Tuesday, we start day care. I’ll take her twice a week.
I think the place I found is going to work out really well. They are a dog training facility that happens to have a small day care too. They have a very laid out schedule for the dogs that has them playing and learning and resting. The place is called Canine Companion Academy. And I am really looking forward to her going and am actually excited for all the fun she is going to have.
Here is Addy on the way to her interview…

Addy’s Interview Day
Posted in Uncategorized tagged Husky, Tripawd at 9:49 pm by Karma
Miss Addy was adopted into my home on Tuesday, March 19th. She was welcomed by her new sisters, Brendol (who is a recent tripawd due to OSA), Aissa, Mathilde, and Morrigan (for more information on the rest of the pack, you can visit Brendol’s blog at

Addy settling in
Addy, formerly known as Murphy, had a bad fall and break to her front left leg when she was young. Her owners at the time did not have the resources to get her leg fixed. As she grew, the leg started to bend due to the growth plates had been impacted severely. In the following picture, you can sort of see the direction her leg was taking.

Young Addy
Fortunately for Miss Adelaide, a nice couple heard about her and decided to take her in from her previous owners. Adelaide is retaining her first name, Murphy, as her middle name in their honor. They had friends that got together and raised money to help Addy get her leg amputated. They did look into getting the leg just fixed. However, the surgeries that were going to be required were very extensive and were not considered a very good option because they had a low success rate estimated.
On October 1, 2012, Adelaide underwent surgery and the leg was removed. The couple that was taking care of her, Tiffany and Blake, did a great job with her during her recovery. They really loved Adelaide and were considering keeping her as a part of their family. However, their older dog, Heidi, was just not adapting to having a young spirited girl in the house. So, fortunately for me, they posted on the tripawds forums that they were looking for a home for this sweet girl. Right now, Miss Adelaide is somewhere around 1 year old. I am thinking of adopting 4/15 as her birthday, so that I can remember it going forward because my memory is really terrible. She is sweet tempered and very playful.
Her new sisters, Brendol and Aissa, and I met up with her and her previous pawrents on Sunday March 17th in a dogpark in Dunwoody. She immediately had a blast at the park. There was not another dog nor person that was not going to be her friend. Brendol and Aissa thought that she was pretty ok too. My only hesitation was how due to the changes bringing a young one into the house would mean, and how were the other two sisters (cats) going to handle this change. But on Tuesday night, the 19th, I went and picked her up and brought her home.
It has been almost a week now, and she has settled in really well. She is VERY INTRIGUED by the cats. She doesn’t show them aggression, but she has to know what they are up to at all times. I am keeping a close eye on how this progresses. Here is a picture of here keeping an eye on Morrigan…
And lastly, here is a picture from her first night in her new home. That tongue is often hanging out the side of her mouth, just showing what a goofball she is.

She is all puppy, so I am sure there will be many stories to come. Right now, I am trying to find a day care for her to go play once or twice a week so that she can spend some good time with younger pups. Her sisters aren’t completely up to running around as much as she would like.
More later…
Posted in Uncategorized at 8:40 am by admin
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