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Adelaide’s Playground

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:09 pm by

I’m writing more about gardening today, so if plants aren’t your thing, you might not enjoy this post.  But Adelaide and Aissa love their yard.

It has been raining for 9 days and we finally got a break in the rain, for at least the morning.  The girls and I took an opportunity to enjoy the back yard a bit.  Aissa May was thirsty, so she figured the bird bath would work just fine.  Monkey see, monkey do, Adelaide had to check it out too.


Our Leatherleaf Mahonia’s are doing great this year.  They have really enjoyed all the rain.  And the birds haven’t gotten to the berries yet. 

And our grove of Carolina Allspice is thriving.  This is a native plant and occasionally it smells so sweet, I can smell it from the back patio which is 50 yards away.


With rain for 9 days straight, the mushrooms are everywhere.  That will do great for when the box turtles come back.  They love to eat the mushrooms.

Last year, our yard guy cut down a few trees… this is the first year in the 12 years this azalea has been in this spot that it has bloomed.  And bloomed it did.  It’s a very pretty coral pink.  Even Adelaide was surprised by the new flowers.

With a large wooded yard and a more frugal approach to landscaping, each Spring I just get a few fill in plants and keep adding to what will hopefully someday look like a botanical garden.  This morning’s haul…

Once I laid all the plants out, it didn’t seem like that much.  These three plants (little yellow guys) I figure will help add some color to the front shrub bed.  I might go back and get two more.  Need to evenly space them out across the width and between the lorepetalums in the back and the nandinas in the front.  Don’t mind the decaying retention wall.  That will be fixed this year.

And I am forever working on my hosta bed.  It is really misleading how large these two new ones are.  The ones that are planted already in front of them have leaves that are the size of a large dinner plate.  I saw these huge ones at the nursery and knew they would add a ton to the bed.  I’ll also probably make another trip tomorrow to pick up a few more smaller varieties to keep filling in.  By the way, that large plant behind them is my 12 foot Oakleaf Hydrangea.  I love that plant.  It blooms large 8″-12″ cream blooms.  And with it so tall, I get to fully enjoy the blooms sitting on the patio that is 4 feet above the ground.

For some new added spark, I saw these white Astilbes that once planted along the wooded edge over here, will add a pop of color.

Another favorite in the yard are these Cast Iron plants.  We have a whole bed of them on the other side of the walkway, so I picked up a couple more to fill in some space between the Leatherleaf Mahonias and Acubas.  Adds some variety to the foliage patterns since the Cast Iron plants are so upright.

That pretty little azalea that is finally blooming?  We decided it needed some friends.  I picked up two lighter pink azaleas to plant near it.

Addy and Aissa never use the dog house.  They are so spoiled that they are never stuck outside.  But this is what the yard looks like behind the house as we walk up the walkway towards the patio.

And then, lastly, I love peonies.  I am not sure it will grow well in my yard, but I saw some at the nursery and grabbed one little one to test it out.  Just need to find the perfect spot for it.

Hope you all enjoyed our little tour of Adelaide’s playground.


More Adelaide

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:18 am by

Adelaide loves to crawl under the patio stairs and dig and lay and pretend nobody can see her.  And I think it’s cute.  But then I think most of what she does is cute.  And when you think something is cute, you video it and put it in YouTube because everyone should think it’s cute.  Right?  Here you go.


Bedtime Fun

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:03 am by

Adelaide heard I posted “sweet” pictures of her and she didn’t want her reputation ruined.  So here was her dance for bedtime… 


Posted in Uncategorized at 12:40 am by

I can’t believe I haven’t written since December.  Sorry all, been being a bad blog pawrent.  But Spring is here in Atlanta and Adelaide is still her usual boisterous crazy self.  I guess no news is good news, which is why we’ve been so quiet.  Everyone has been doing well.  Morrigan had to have a bladder surgery to remove crystals, but she is already fully healed and she actually plays with Addy some.  Aissa has been doing good.  Her and Mathilde just hang out together.  At the pet sitters, they say she goes for leisurely strolls with one of their other elderly little pups that is more her speed.  Meanwhile, Addy runs all the pups at the pet sitters ragged.  They say she goes from one dog to another.  They have to put her in a sort of time out to get her to just chill.

Actually, it just occurred to me that Adelaide has been here with me for 2 years now.  I brought her home on March 19, 2013.  (Again, I’m not a great pawrent when it comes to remembering anniversaries).  So this post can actually be a HAPPY GOTCHA-VERSARY! 😀

Here are a few recent pics of her using her charms.

Were you sitting here?

Are you done getting ready yet?

The princess on her thrown.


Happy Spring Everybody!


Ho Ho Ho

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:51 am by

Here comes Santy Paws
Here comes Santy Paws
Right down Santy Paws Lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reinder

Pullin’ on the reins.
Bells are ringin’, huskies singin’,
All is merry and bright.
So hang your stockings and say your prayers,
‘Cause Santy Paws comes tonight.

Christmas 2014

Adelaide and Aissa went and saw Santa, and they were very good girls, so Santa might just bring them something good for Christmas.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.


My pain for your enjoyment

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:57 am by

Look at this beautiful sweet innocent face.

Now, here’s the reality.  First from last weekend.

Gross out warning…just came outside with the girls, when Addy beelines it to 20 yards off the patio and grabs something. You know when they are that fast it’s not good. As soon as I can see what she has, it’s a tail and legs sticking out of her mouth and she’s trying to swallow it. I had to practically choke her to get her to spit it out. A small very dead rat…and all we got was the abdomen through tail. She already has a sensitive stomach…can’t wait til the rest of it gets puked up somewhere!

Good news.  There wasn’t any remnants found later.  Now from tonight.

Adelaide got out again. I was ahead of schedule, it was nice out, just sitting out back while my girls do their exploring. Then I notice…a cat is sitting outside the fence 2 feet from Addy and she hasn’t seen it. I had that moment of holding my breath and considering whether I can get Adelaide’s attention before the cat does. Nope! The cat took off and Addy was on the mission of finding a way to chase it. I jumped up and took off ruining to grab Adelaide while she was trying to shove her nose under the fence. I almost thought she wasn’t going to be able to, when, yep, nose found a spot. If her nose fits, so does the rest of her (skinny girl). As I’m running across the yard (in flip flopsno less), she’s under and there goes her leash snaking under the fence behind her. I don’t know if I actually went diving for the leash or if I tripped. But I ended up on the ground either way and missed grabbing the leash by 6 inches. You know there were curses after that. After getting up and finding my shoe, I was able to see Addy had gotten tangled not far down in the creek. Good news for me. I was allowed to grab a couple chairs without being in a panic and climb the fence (no bruise this time). Also fortunate, it hasn’t rained in a week so the creek wasn’t a mud pit and I was able to work my way down and over to her without much issue. All back safe. Did have to wash the mud from my pants (from sprawling across yard, not from creek). Adelaide is not being allowed to run freely tonight.

After reading about Adelaide’s antics, you will enjoy seeing the “real” Addy from her out take pictures this past weekend.

See what I mean?  lol  Gotta love her, and I do.  But she can try my patience.



I love this girl

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:18 pm by

We don’t have enough earth shattering to announce… just another day in our husky life.  It poured down rain all day, but then turned beautiful before the day was done.  And Adelaide took advantage of the open moon roof on the way home from daycare…

Loving the wind on her face

Yeah, I’m cool

Getting some lip action

We’ll just rest our chin here


Woot Woot.. Who Let the Dogs Out? 😀



Houdini strikes again

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:01 pm by

Look at this smug face…

She got out of the yard again.  We have been doing so well.  I think the last time she escaped was early Spring.  I stayed pretty calm trying to find her, but when she wasn’t romping around the creek area I started to worry.  That’s her usual go to place.  Next two spots would be up in the houses behind the creek or the other direction would be in the maze of duplexes.  I kept listening for her collar making noise, or other critters throwing a fit, but super quiet.  As I was hoisting my large rear end over the fence, guess who comes running up all happy and proud.  I guess she was done chasing whatever it was that convinced her to escape.  And I have no idea where she escaped from this time.  But I hoisted her happy 40 pound butt back over the fence (long lead still dragging behind her which is a trick I use to be able to grab her in case she escapes), back over I went and we are all safely home again.  After her last escape so long ago, she doesn’t go out without a long lead attached and I am always with her.  However, I don’t always follow her through the woods.  I wait for her to come out the other side.  I only took my attention off of her for a minute today.  She didn’t come out the other side.  It’s like having a toddler in a grocery store.

Happy Fall Everyone.


The Dog Days of Summer

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:55 pm by

They are upon us.  Hot and muggy.  Otherwise, I would love to be sitting outside on the swing with the girls and listening to the cicadas.

Adelaide is doing great, as are the rest of the crew.  I do believe that Adelaide has become a young lady.  I see the energy balancing down a little (just a little).  Today’s update is just going to be a photo bomb… enjoy.



Daycare day

Classic Headtilt

Loving on Bagheera


With Bagheera



Tree hugger



That’s all Folks…


Happy 4th Everyone

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:10 pm by

(a little late)

Adelaide and Aissa got to spend this past weekend and the weekend before at Dave and David’s, the pet sitters.  Both times we get home, and I crash from a hectic weekend, and they crash from a hectic weekend. 😀  We haven’t had a lot to tell lately (thankfully).  There was an incident with a baby possum, but it ended sadly.  I let the girls outside and was right behind them.  So, I don’t think they actively killed him.  I think he probably tried to climb up a tree to get away from them and fell and broke something vital.  He didn’t live very long.  🙁  The turtles are back.  We keep seeing little box turtles every now and then, which the girls don’t bother.  Since the turtles don’t exactly run away, Addy is bored with them.

To keep up our little photo journal of Adelaide and her adventures, I have a picture for you of Adelaide sending puppy kisses to all the tripawds…

And then for a little more viewing pleasure, here is more Adelaide playing at bedtime…

I also don’t want to forget that Friday was a special day!

Bagheera is 1 YEARS OLD now!!  Happy Birthday my Little Man!


P.S.  This is how tired we all are…

Aissa May

And Miss Adelaide

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