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Archive for March, 2013


Adelaide playing with her sister Brendol

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:13 pm by

Happy Easter everybody!  Adelaide has been having a ton of fun today with her sisters.  They aren’t as thrilled with her level of energy though.  Here is an action shot   And to see them in action, here is a short video.  You might want to turn your sound down because they don’t play quietly. […]


Adelaide’s first trip to PetSmart

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:52 pm by

Miss Adleaide went to PetSmart today and she was a very good girl.  She got a lot of looks.  When we got back by the dog food aisle, a little boy (about 8 or 9 years old) yelled out, “Look Dad, a wolf!”.  That got some looks, but his Dad corrected him that she was […]


Day Care for Addy

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 2:52 pm by

Happy Friday everyone, unless you are in Australia (Natalie) and then Happy Saturday! Well, Miss Adelaide had her interview to be accepted into daycare last night and she was a very good girl.  Playing and romping and giving kisses to the interviewer.  So, on Tuesday, we start day care.  I’ll take her twice a week. […]


Introducing Adelaide (Addy) Murphy

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 9:49 pm by

Miss Addy was adopted into my home on Tuesday, March 19th.  She was welcomed by her new sisters, Brendol (who is a recent tripawd due to OSA), Aissa, Mathilde, and Morrigan (for more information on the rest of the pack, you can visit Brendol’s blog at  Addy, formerly known as Murphy, had a bad fall […]


Hello Tripawds!

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:40 am by

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