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Posted in Uncategorized tagged Husky, Squeaky Toy at 12:13 am by Karma
I didn’t plan on posting so soon after the last one on Wednesday, but something cute and sweet happened. (Just like little Adelaide)
Tonight, Addy went to the toy box and dug around in it and came out with the little green grapes squeaky toy! “What is the significance of this toy?”, you may ask. Well, this was Brendol’s absolute favorite squeaking toy in the whole world. It was so favorite that after she wore out the first one that was given to her by her aunt Darline, about six months later I saw one at the dollar store and bought it. She was so happy. She would just carry it around the house.
So, tonight when Adelaide grabbed it, it made me happy and sad all at once. She loved it too. You can see for yourself…
Adelaide eventually chewed a whole in it and it no longer squeaks. Before she could completely eat it, I picked it up and put it away to save with my stuff that was Brendol’s. But I am happy she enjoyed it.
Posted in Uncategorized tagged Husky, Tripawd at 11:05 pm by Karma
Happy Hump Day Everpawdy!
We’ve had a hard time since our last update, but we are getting better every day (if you don’t know what’s been going on in our family, you can read up at – but I won’t go into all that here). Had some tummy issues for about 4 days that meant Addy went on the bland diet of rice and boiled ground turkey along with some pepcid and redmond clay (thanks Rene and Michelle for the advice). Now everything seems to be getting back into a groove.
Monday was the triumphant day that Adelaide was feeling so good she was getting into all sorts of trouble. During the day she found a toilet paper roll from somewhere that I still have not figured out and proceeded to shred it into tiny little pieces in the middle of the living room. After I got home and the girls went outside to their break and playtime, I brought them in, fed them, picked up all the empty bowls and off they go and next thing I know, everypawdy is being really quiet – never a good sign. I look over the end of the couch and Addy has pulled down a roll of paper towels and had shredded it into a pile of tiny pieces. Geesh. What is it with dogs and paper? SO, that got cleaned up and Adelaide was told “no”. She still looked very pleased with herself. Her and Aissa played wrestling and tug-a-war for a while which is our evening ritual, and then when she settled down, I checked over on her and she had grabbed my favorite flip flop. Now, full disclosure, I have shoes laying all over the house. I am single. I am a mess. And it doesn’t bother anybody but me. 😀 Adelaide has been very good knowing what her toys are and what aren’t. And she has PLENTY of options to choose from in the huge toy basket. The flip flop was removed, Adelaide was scolded, and given one of her dollies to play with. Evening progresses, and about 20 minutes later, I look down because I started hearing this squishy sound. She had snuck back the flip flop! Here we go again…”no”…flip flop removed. I go over to her “spot” on the couch where there are like a dozen different toys of hers stashed on her blanket and I proceed to show her all her toys. She was very interested. Her eyes lit up and she was like, “oh, yah, that’s mine”. She settled down on her spot on the couch and proceeded to play with her toys. I settle back down on the other end of the couch and begin chatting in the tripawd chatroom (you can find me there many nights). About a half hour goes by, Addy jumps down, runs over to the end of the couch, grabs the flip flop and takes it back to her spot on the couch to lie down and enjoy. “NO!” I jump up and grab it. Tell her “no” again and hand her her nylabone. That seems to work for the time being. This time, I put the flip flops up on the arm of the couch. The rest of our living room time went fine. Time for bed. Let the girls out for their last outing for the night. We head upstairs to bed. Adelaide likes to lay on the bed and stalk the cats. So she’s up there waiting for kitties to enter the bedroom and make their stealth trip to the bathroom. Up and down. This is a nightly thing. She jumps down to chase one and then comes back up for the vantage point for the next attack (don’t worry, these are playful attacks). I have gotten use to this ritual so I don’t pay much attention to the up and down. I just give her a good petting and tell her to lay down which she usually does. So we are doing this usual dance and next thing I know, she’s jumping up on the bed with that darn flip flop. The stinker had gone downstairs and grabbed it off the couch and brought it upstairs to bed! Now I have a flip flop under my pillow because I had taken it from her and hid it under the pillow and then handed her her bedtime toy (yes, we have two dollies on the bed just so she will play with “her” toys instead of deciding to chew on the comforter).
Hope this story puts a smile on y’all’s faces. She is frustrating, but cute and lovable. Below are some pictures for you too because we can’t have a good story without some illustrations.

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:26 am by Karma
I’m going to gripe tonight. I’ll keep it short.
Brendol has not been eating since Friday unless I hand feed her. Ok, I can do that. I’m worried, but I can do that.
Today, she starts refusing her K9 Immunity and Rimadyl. May not sound weird, but for her that’s weird. She thinks they are treats and usually swallows them faster than you can hand them to her.
So, not wanting to fight over dinner again tonight, I put canned food on her bowl of kibble and this time she ate great. Not only that, but Aissa didn’t eat much of hers, so next thing I know, Brendol is at Aissa’s bowl eating Aissa’s dry kibble too. Lovely.
Aissa, has a platellar luxation that acts up. She’s been limping since Friday night. Ok, we’ve been through this. Assume the protocol.
Adelaide, my food hog. Goes to daycare today and does not eat her breakfast. Weird. Daycare says she threw up some plastic pieces that were pink and orange. Hmmm, doesn’t match description of any of her toys and I have roamed the house looking for remnants of something that may have fallen victim to the puppy. No such luck. Whatever she ate, she ate it all.
Next, Adelaide now has a new quirk. She gets crated at supper time so that Brendol and Aissa can eat their food without her pushing them out of the way. She just eats her supper in her crate and when they are done, she gets let out. Now… for the last four or five days, she will eat a little of her dinner and then just sit there. No problem, we can handle that. Brendol and Aissa finish their supper, I go open her crate up. THEN she stays in her crate and finishes her supper. Weird.
Tonight, Adelaide actually did NOT finish her dinner. She just hung out near her crate so that nobody else could have it either. That was odd. Next thing I know, Aissa, who did not eat much tonight of her own, decides she wants Adelaide’s and pushed Addy out of the way to finish up Addy’s. Adelaide was not amused. But I called Addy over to Aissa’s bowl and let Addy have some of hers for fair play. You should have seen Aissa’s face. She was like…wha what? I told her, see how you like someone eating your food? That seemed to resonate (ok, maybe my Dr. Doolittle communication isn’t as good as I think it is, but I try).
That is the craziness that has been going on around here! I am losing my mind. (maybe this wasn’t as short as I thought)
Posted in Uncategorized tagged playtime, Tripawd at 11:46 pm by Karma
My post on Miss Brendol was a little sad. And I’ve honestly been a little sad about her today. But I came home to all my girls and Adelaide and Aissa love to have a play session after we get all settled and they just make me smile. Such happy girls. Here’s a clip to hopefully pass along some smiles.
Posted in Uncategorized at 12:55 am by Karma
This picture update is very similar to our last one, but there is a twist. So tonight we are laying around watching television and I see a leg out of the corner of my eye…

She stayed like this for quite a while. Think she has learned how to play dead? Such a silly girl.
Posted in Uncategorized at 12:41 am by Karma
It has been a while since we posted any happenings for Miss Adelaide, so just giving a brief update.
Princess Addy had daycare today and she is now very tired…

Addy Out Cold
We have been very busy this summer. About every other week the girls get to go spend three days to a week at their pet sitters while I travel for work or pleasure. They have been having a blast at Dave and David’s playing with all their friends. Addy and her sisters have gotten a bunch of new toys, not that they needed more. So there has been lots of playing at home too.
Adelaide has a new way of playing with Mathilde, now she likes to go up to her and lick her, nudge her, and sometimes even put her mouth on her like she’s biting but not biting down. It is very strange. Mathilde, meanwhile, just lays or sits there and lets her. Silly girls.
That is our update. Everyone is doing good. I hope this finds y’all having a nice summer too.
Posted in Uncategorized at 3:19 am by Karma
Alright, I did a list for Miss Brendol, so now it’s Addy’s turn.
- I love how excited Adelaide is to see me when I pick her up from daycare.
- I love watching Addy throw her dollies around playing with them.
- I love the sound of Addy talking (that husky arroooo-rooo-rooo).
- I love that Addy likes to lay on the pillow next to me at night.
- I love how soft her ears are.
- I love watching her run through the woods, looking like a wild puppy.
- I love the look on her face when she’s resting her chin on the top of the head rest as we drive down the road.
- I love how good she is with everybody when we are out and about.
- I love how silly she looks with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.
- I lover her enthusiasm for absolutely everything.

And, I feel bad for Miss Aissa because she has 4 legs and doesn’t have a blog. And I love her just as much! So, bear with me, but I feel I must post my list for Aissa May as well.
- I love that Aissa May is such a momma’s girl and is always at my side, even if we are out without a leash or with tons of people or dogs around.
- I love the soft fuzzy fur on Aissa’s snout.
- I love how Aissa wiggles when she’s walking or running, she looks like she’s still a puppy and she’s almost 11 years old.
- I love the smile that Aissa gives me.
- I love that when I come home, Aissa has to lean up against me for loving.
- I love how she drops her dollies at the back door because she knows she can’t take them outside.
- I love that when I talk to her, her eyes light up and her butt starts wiggling.
- I love that she always let the cats lay next to her.
- I love that Aissa tattles on Brendol when Brendol is up to something she’s not supposed to be doing.
- I love how Aissa will just keep trodding along no matter how tired she is with a valiant effort, but when she’s done, she’s done! She just sits down in the middle of the trail, road, creek, or crosswalk and smiles at me, but pretty much say, nope mom, I’m done.

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:25 pm by Karma
So I got a ton of pics from the photographer today (53 to be exact). I have posted the video slideshow on Brendol’s page, but thought I would post those that were just of Addy here. Enjoy! She loved posing for the camera.
Posted in Uncategorized at 4:27 pm by Karma
Adelaide and her sisters got their pictures taken about a week and a half ago and the photographer sent me some previews. Miss Adelaide was quite the Diva at the photoshoot. Here are some of her pics and some of Aissa.

Aissa May
Pictures of Miss Brendol can be seen on her blog at
Posted in Uncategorized at 7:35 pm by Karma
As you can see from the picture here… Adelaide is VERY proud of herself.

Naughty Girl
I let the girls out this afternoon to play and when I went to check on them, I couldn’t see where Adelaide went. So I checked all around the yard from the windows and no Adelaide. I had to run upstairs and grab some pants (because I was lounging in pjs today) and I headed outside to walk to the back of the yard. No Adelaide. Both neighbors on each side of me were out working in their yards so I new she hadn’t gone out the front somehow or they would be telling me. So I ran back inside and grabbed my shoes. I walked the perimeter of the fence… No Adelaide. I decided she must have gotten out the back of the yard. I have a gate back there but it’s padlocked and of course I don’t remember the code. So back to the house I ran to get the padlock code, the leash, and some treats. Back to the gate we go… as I’m trying to get the padlock to unlock (it hasn’t been used in a couple years so it was a little rusty), guess who makes an appearance on the other side of the fence. Miss Adelaide! Happy as can be. So I get to working on the padlock some more and look up and she’s disappeared again. Finally get the padlock to let go and head into the back where there’s a driveway for the duplexes that are behind my property. I do the sit still and listen and think I hear rustling in the woods back to the left. Walking that way, I see a pretty siamese mix cat up in a tree clinging for safety… aha… I think I’ve found my fuzz butt head. Sure enough I look down into the creek below and there’s Adelaide romping around in the water. Fortunately, I called for her and she came. (Miracle in itself). Some neighbors had come out of the duplexes and were heading to their car when here comes Addy… and two of them jumped up onto their cars. Really? I tell them she’s friendly and don’t worry as I’m making my way to the car and they pretty much just don’t listen to me. I finally get the leash on Adelaide and can relax. Off we go to get back into the yard. I re-secure the gate and decide that she must have slipped under the fence over in a spot where the yard runs off into the creek and washes away some of the earth beneath the fence. I have placed a heavy ice chest on that spot for now… going to have to figure out how to fill it back in and make sure butthead can’t get under it again. Of course, now her bottom half is covered in mud. Guess we are headed for a bath now. Fun afternoon. I sure am glad she’s microchipped, but thinking I’d be even happier if she had a GPS on her butt.
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