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Posted in Uncategorized at 12:40 am by Karma

I can’t believe I haven’t written since December.  Sorry all, been being a bad blog pawrent.  But Spring is here in Atlanta and Adelaide is still her usual boisterous crazy self.  I guess no news is good news, which is why we’ve been so quiet.  Everyone has been doing well.  Morrigan had to have a bladder surgery to remove crystals, but she is already fully healed and she actually plays with Addy some.  Aissa has been doing good.  Her and Mathilde just hang out together.  At the pet sitters, they say she goes for leisurely strolls with one of their other elderly little pups that is more her speed.  Meanwhile, Addy runs all the pups at the pet sitters ragged.  They say she goes from one dog to another.  They have to put her in a sort of time out to get her to just chill.

Actually, it just occurred to me that Adelaide has been here with me for 2 years now.  I brought her home on March 19, 2013.  (Again, I’m not a great pawrent when it comes to remembering anniversaries).  So this post can actually be a HAPPY GOTCHA-VERSARY! 😀

Here are a few recent pics of her using her charms.

Were you sitting here?

Are you done getting ready yet?

The princess on her thrown.


Happy Spring Everybody!


  1.    Michelle said,

    March 24, 2015 at 1:14 am

    Aww Addy. Happy Gotcha Day. 🙂 Writing on the blog is hard. I try to do an update at least once or twice a month but this month I only did 1. I love this crazy A- D- D y. She is just so cute

    Michelle & Angel Sassy


  2.    benny55 said,

    March 24, 2015 at 1:56 am

    GRRRRRRREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! And even better…everybody is doing well!!!

    And these pictures just take my breath away! Addy is just BEAUTIFUL!! Hard to believe that Angelic face can be such a terror at day care!! Don’t you worry Addy, I’m not believing those made up rumours they’re spreading on you!

    And the visual of sweet Aissa strolling leisurely with some fellow seniors, what a lovely sight that must be.

    Glad to hear the kitties are all enjoying the good life too! Of course, any furbaby who ends up in your home enjoys the good life!!

    Hard to believe it’s been TWO YEARS!!! Happy Hannah and I had just started our journey here the month before Addy came into your life. Kinda’ nice that they were “here” at the same time. Just a warm fuzzy thing.

    We all celebrate with you Adorable Addy! You not only brighten your mama’s life, you brighten ours too!

    That Brendol must be so thrilled to see all the joy Addy as brought you!


    Sending lots and lots of love to you Karma!! And remember, we’re all keeping our paws crossed you can make the Tripawds Virginia Pawty in May!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


  3.    Codie Rae said,

    March 24, 2015 at 3:13 am

    Happy Hippy Hoppy Gotcha-Versary Addie! Your beautiful blue eyes are kinda makin’ me swoon:) So hoppy you and your pack are doing well and spring is springing! We never had winter here so are moving straight into summer with record high temps forecast this week 🙂 Give your mama a kiss for the OP, ‘K?



  4.    mom2shelby said,

    March 25, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    those eyes!!!!!!! I can’t believe I missed this blog post … lots going on so I feel you on that one. YAY for the update! We’re like Codie Rae – no real winter here either but definitely loving the spring!



  5.    jerry said,

    March 29, 2015 at 5:40 pm

    Wow two years already? And she’s just as crazy as ever? Love that girl!

    Glad to see things are good overall. You are a pawesome dog mom, never forget that 🙂



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