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Happy 4th Everyone

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:10 pm by Karma

(a little late)

Adelaide and Aissa got to spend this past weekend and the weekend before at Dave and David’s, the pet sitters.  Both times we get home, and I crash from a hectic weekend, and they crash from a hectic weekend. 😀  We haven’t had a lot to tell lately (thankfully).  There was an incident with a baby possum, but it ended sadly.  I let the girls outside and was right behind them.  So, I don’t think they actively killed him.  I think he probably tried to climb up a tree to get away from them and fell and broke something vital.  He didn’t live very long.  🙁  The turtles are back.  We keep seeing little box turtles every now and then, which the girls don’t bother.  Since the turtles don’t exactly run away, Addy is bored with them.

To keep up our little photo journal of Adelaide and her adventures, I have a picture for you of Adelaide sending puppy kisses to all the tripawds…

And then for a little more viewing pleasure, here is more Adelaide playing at bedtime…

I also don’t want to forget that Friday was a special day!

Bagheera is 1 YEARS OLD now!!  Happy Birthday my Little Man!


P.S.  This is how tired we all are…

Aissa May

And Miss Adelaide


  1.    Cassie said,

    July 6, 2014 at 10:31 pm

    Love the picture and video of Addy!! She is too precious


  2.    Michelle said,

    July 6, 2014 at 11:46 pm

    Happy belated 4th. Looks like everyone was very very tired after a busy weekend. Glad there hasn’t been much to tell lately that is always a good thing.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy


  3.    trituck said,

    July 6, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    Wow….I don’t think I’ve even seen Adelaide quiet 🙂

    Happy birthday to the handsome Bageera!


    Linda and Tucker


  4.    mom2shelby said,

    July 7, 2014 at 1:20 am

    Happy 4th and Happy Birthday!!!

    Calm is good!
    Alison & her Shelby fur-ever in her heart (and little Jasper Lily too)


  5.    jerry said,

    July 7, 2014 at 2:55 am

    Oh my gawd, aside from the baby possum episode this is such an adorable update! Thanks Karma, we’ve missed hearing about the crazy adventures of your pack.


  6.    benny55 said,

    July 7, 2014 at 5:10 am

    You always know when there’s a blog with Addy in it, it’s gonna’ be high energy and and a good giggle! She never disappoints!

    And Bahjeera is icing on the cake! Speaking of cake…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAGHEERA!

    I think it’s the first video I haven’t heard Aissa egging Addy on by barking and wagging in the background. I guess she was too busy lounging on the sofa admiring your blue (?) toenail polish!!

    The Huskey who owned me years ago would find box turtles and gently carry them over to me and proudly show off his gift!

    Do you ever use your GoPro on the dogs anymore? Or did Addy use it as a chew toy? Brendol would be proud of that little action!

    Always look forward to your blogs! Keep ’em coming

    Sending love to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and Myrtle too!

    OH! And thanks for the smooch Addy!! I felt the wet nose all the way over here!


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