Hi Tripawders
Got a cute picture of the silly Adelaide today, so thought I’d share with our tripawd friends.
Earlier today, Adelaide came bounding downstairs with my comfort bear. A comfort bear is real soft and made of buckwheat and lavender. You can put it in the microwave and heat it up. It’s great for when you don’t feel well. It is NOT a puppy toy. 😀 But try telling that to Adelaide.
I think that look is, “are you sure this is not my bear?”
June 3, 2014 at 2:28 am
I love love this picture of her. Maybe she is saying mom I know you don’t feel good today but I am using this. You can’t use it. “Now warm it up” LOL
Michelle & Angel Sassy
June 3, 2014 at 2:42 am
Those eyes!!! 🙂
Totally adorable. Shelby used to take my pillow and snuggle like that with it.
Such a love-bug, that Addy!
June 3, 2014 at 3:16 am
Oh Addy, beautiful, beautiful Addy!!
This really does top the charts as one of the best pictures ever!!! Love how she has her color co-ordinated pillw to match those beautiful eyes!
Yes, that must be your comfort bear from this point forward!! There is no way your momma could take it from ou! Not with that look…..not with those pleading eyes begging you to let him keep that bear!
Soooooo sweet! Love ths Addy girl
Love to you Karma and all your pack!
Sally and Happy Hannah
June 3, 2014 at 3:31 am
Thanks Sally. But I have the comfort bear back. I know… mean mommy.
June 3, 2014 at 10:52 am
Ah Karma….what a lovely pic of your beautiful girl.
Perhaps you could share the comfort bear with her 🙂
Linda and Tucker
June 4, 2014 at 4:16 am
She’s saying “Awww come on mommy, I’ll be good to da bear and love it and treat it like it was my beary own. Trust me Momma, trust me!”