Adventures shouldn’t be in the morning
Good morning, let’s run through the woods and the brambles in our work clothes and get all mussed up before work! 😀 Adelaide saw a cat and took off under the fence again. This time, I was almost right there. I saw her running back and forth along the fence line all excited and was heading her way. Then her nose poked under, back behind the honeysuckle, and bam, she was through. By time I got to her, her lead (because she doesn’t go out without a 16 foot lead now due to past issues) was quickly snaking its way under the fence. As I struggled my way through the honeysuckle thicket, I tried to step on the lead, but I missed and it was gone. Good news, the cat went left towards the front of the cul-de-sac instead of right. And that direction has fewer escape routes for Adelaide. I high tailed it up to the front of the yard, across my next door neighbors, and into the back of the neighbor beside them. Managed to find a way down into the creek and there was Addy all smiles with a cute cat treed. Fortunately, Adelaide let me just walk right up to her instead of bolting. Grabbed her muddy butt and back home we went. Today is daycare day, so I’ve asked them to give her a bath too. Ugh, this girl is crazy. And I tell you, the fence was not loose and not sitting above the ground. How she fit under it is a mystery. (fyi – the cat is fine)
My arm, on the other hand, took a beating in the brambles.
April 22, 2014 at 1:17 pm
Oh Karma…
I’m trying not to laugh but….Addy really does keep you on your toes.
Tuck likes to chase the kitties outside too…even though he lives with three of them 🙂
Spa day for Addy.
Linda and Tucker
April 22, 2014 at 2:08 pm
Adelaide lives with three of them also! One of them, she found and that is how Bagheera came to live with us. But that husky prey drive is a powerful beast.
April 22, 2014 at 3:08 pm
Love this!!! If I had a nickle for every time Shelby took my out my arm socket in her efforts to get a cat (or squirrel) I could retire!!! Love Addy antics! Thank you for sharing.
April 22, 2014 at 3:56 pm
Addy! you silly girl! You sound exactly like Cody! No bunny, cat, squirrel or bird can escape his gaze. You’re a very sneaky girl getting under that fence!
April 22, 2014 at 4:11 pm
That crazy Addy! That boy knows how to stay focused and keepmhis eyes on the prize!!
Thought you’d like to sseh my “patch work” everytime my Huskey planned an adventure. The yard is almost a half acre fenced…had to use six ft. fence because he would climb. He was perfetlynhappy staing in the uard as well as being a house dog…UNTIL “deer killing season” and hunters would run their dogs through my posted property. He would go berserk and want to run with them… and come home exhausted.
Adddy, you may be a “city boy” but you’re still a Huskey!! If you decided you want an advemture, you WILL find a way!
My Happy Hannah never had to have a leash…we would walk all around our property and she was always right by my side. Even if she trotted off a bit, she kept looking back to make sure I was in eyesight and would always come when I called!
Huskeys are a whole different story!
Love to yo and all your pack!
Sally and Happy Hannah
April 22, 2014 at 8:44 pm
Silly girl. Stop trying to make the great escape. Honestly I shake my head at your antics (secretly laughing) at least you made me smile this morning.
michelle & Angel Sassy
April 25, 2014 at 1:36 am
Addy you could at least wait til your momma has her morning coffee!