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Our Pack is Growing

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:31 am by Karma

Before I go into more details about that, I have to share this cute picture of this afternoon all sleeping on the couch (including me).  Notice that princess Adelaide is on a pillow, she always is on a pillow.  Silly girl.

Couch time

Now, without further ado…

Meet Bagheera…

Bagheera Intro


Adelaide found Bagheera just outside the fence on Sunday morning.  He was sitting there watching her as she was trying to figure out how to either jump over the fence or squeeze underneath it to get to him.  When I came to find out what was going on and saw him, he showed that he wanted to come see me, but didn’t trust her (can’t blame him, she’s a spaz).  I put Adelaide and Aissa back into the house and went back to the fence and he was trying to figure out how to also get through the fence to come see me.  He figured it out and came right to me.  I picked him up and he was ALL lovey.  He is so sweet.

I put him in the garage to figure out what to do.  He didn’t have a collar.  He seemed in good health.  I got him some food and water and he ate like he hadn’t eaten in a while.  But  you never know with young ones, they can be piggies.  He’s about 6 months old and he’s been to the vet to get checked out.  All healthy.  No microchip.  As most of you know, it was super cold Sunday through Tuesday, so I am glad I was able to find him and bring him into shelter.

The name Bagheera is after the black panther in Jungle Book.  That is a fun and lovable character, so I found it fitting for him.  It did take me a few days to decide on a name as my friends on here can attest.  He also has the name Little Man.  Introductions to the rest of the family are coming along slowly and good.  He’s met everyone.  But only in small doses.  He’s be out running around under supervision already if it wasn’t for Adelaide being so exuberant with him.  She so wants to play with him!

From our house to yours, wishing everyone a beautiful, warm, and safe weekend.

Karma, Adelaide, Assia, Mathilde, Morrigan, Bagheera, and forever our angel Brendol


  1.    Michelle said,

    January 11, 2014 at 1:46 am

    Yay Karma. Great update on the pack and Bagheera. We love it. 🙂 Small doses at a time is a good thing.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy


  2.    benny55 said,

    January 11, 2014 at 6:18 am

    BAGHEERA! WELCOME to your extended tripawd and quadpawd faimly! Yoy really kow how toick ’em…you just stepped into Nirvana once you climbed under that fence!
    Love ow Addy is “exuberant” withyou…..great choice of words! Ot sounds like Addy’s just letting him kow whose in charge! Shhhhhh…….we won’t tell her the kitty will probably be the boss!

    He is a very, very handsome kitty. Love how you picked his name…perfect!

    Oh! And I LOVE the nap ti e picture!! One contented hapy group! A real “warm and fuzzy” Hallmark card right there!

    Can’t wait to see all the various reasons Brendol sent him tomyou! This is gonna’ be one fun relationship!

    Love and hugs to you and all your pack! And if this cat likes the bubble machine………… jave to rename him “Brendol” Cat!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


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