New Dolly!
We must have some more cuteness and silliness to help us laugh. And Adelaide is ready to take on that challenge. Her and Aissa got some new toys, and one of those is this very cute, pink bunny rabbit.
Tonight, we played a bit with the bunny. Ok, honestly, we played with A LOT of TOYS. Addy feels the need to live up to her name… ADDy. Yep, A-D-D Addy. Anyways, here is a little glimpse into playtime:
We hope everypawdy is getting to play with their dollies/balls/or sticks and having a ton of fun.
September 10, 2013 at 4:44 am
I think Addy and Papi would get along just fine. I lose count of how many toys we go thru in a night. She just wants to keep you smiling!
Take care-
September 10, 2013 at 5:53 am
I am indeed, grinning ear to ear over here! Mission accomplished! This will put any viewer in a happy place!
And you know ne of the best parts of the video? Hearing yo laugh, seeing Addy having fun and watching Assie just walk round wagging er tail and smiling! Brendol has brought some joy back into the household! Everyone hapy and living in the moment!
Addy (A D D) is soooo pretty..so full of life…..and so photogenic. I still have one of my favorite ictures of her in my head where she’s looking over her shoulder at the camera. She’s so cute!
Of course, Mr. Bunny may not be thrilled! He is a fine looking bunny by the way. I don’t know how long bwfore he ends up a tripawd bunny though!
This was so much fun to watch. And yes! It only makes us want more! Thank you for sharing it with us.
And thank you for staying n the site and continuing to honor Brendol with all your valued support.
We love you Karma” We love you Brendol! We love you Assi! We love you Addy!
Sally and Hapoy Hannah
September 10, 2013 at 2:50 pm
Thanks for the smile Karma
Michelle & Angel Sassy
September 10, 2013 at 3:25 pm
ahhhhhhhhh smiling here!!!! Love Love LOVE new toys.. AND new pictures and videos!!!!