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Posted in Uncategorized tagged ocadia at 12:13 am by Karma

I didn’t plan on posting so soon after the last one on Wednesday, but something cute and sweet happened.  (Just like little Adelaide)

Tonight, Addy went to the toy box and dug around in it and came out with the little green grapes squeaky toy!  “What is the significance of this toy?”, you may ask.  Well, this was Brendol’s absolute favorite squeaking toy in the whole world.  It was so favorite that after she wore out the first one that was given to her by her aunt Darline, about six months later I saw one at the dollar store and bought it.  She was so happy.  She would just carry it around the house.

So, tonight when Adelaide grabbed it, it made me happy and sad all at once.  She loved it too.  You can see for yourself…

Adelaide eventually chewed a whole in it and it no longer squeaks.  Before she could completely eat it, I picked it up and put it away to save with my stuff that was Brendol’s.  But I am happy she enjoyed it.


  1.    micaroxy said,

    September 1, 2013 at 1:07 am

    Aww, Addy 🙂 Keeping Brendol’s spirit alive <3


  2.    Michelle said,

    September 1, 2013 at 1:10 am

    Yay Addy. Way to squeak that toy but you shouldnt have eaten the sqeaker 🙂

    Thanks for making me smile

    Michelle & Angel Sassy


  3.    fetchon3 said,

    September 1, 2013 at 1:54 am

    Yey for squeeky toys! They are magical! She’s SO darling.
    ~ K & J


  4.    benny55 said,

    September 1, 2013 at 2:03 am

    Now in my world—–and yes, it may be considered a “whacky world by some”…..that IS Brendol orchestrating this little nudge that all is well!! She’s probavly trying to let you klw she has all the grape toys she wants!

    I think we’ve just discovered the reason for all her pooty toots! Grapes will so it everytime!

    It’s i teresting that she seems t be using Addy, the only other tripawd in the house, as her “open line of communication”! Addy knows exactly what’s she’s doing when shegets that roy!

    Love tl you and the pack and Miss Brendol!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


  5.    Christine said,

    September 1, 2013 at 12:32 pm

    Yup.. Addy was saying.. “hey Mom.. Brendol told me I could play with her toy cause she’s gots TONS where she is… no.. really she did!!!”
    I love squeakies…. we have them all over the house.. and one of Mr. Wilson’s favorites was the brown sausage… that was Franklin’s favorite! I kept the original Frankie sausage with Frankie.. but Mr. Wilson had a great time playing with the other ones!!
    Viva la Squeaky!!

    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥


  6.    snoop said,

    September 1, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Nothing like a good sneaky to make you smile and remember.

    Esther and Snoop


  7.    jerry said,

    September 2, 2013 at 10:29 pm

    Awww Addy. You know how to lighten the day, what a character you are. How beautiful to see you getting such hoppiness out of B’s favorite toy.


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