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Just Checking In

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:41 am by Karma

It has been a while since we posted any happenings for Miss Adelaide, so just giving a brief update.

Princess Addy had daycare today and she is now very tired…

Addy Out Cold


We have been very busy this summer.  About every other week the girls get to go spend three days to a week at their pet sitters while I travel for work or pleasure.  They have been having a blast at Dave and David’s playing with all their friends.  Addy and her sisters have gotten a bunch of new toys, not that they needed more.  So there has been lots of playing at home too.

Adelaide has a new way of playing with Mathilde, now she likes to go up to her and lick her, nudge her, and sometimes even put her mouth on her like she’s biting but not biting down.  It is very strange.  Mathilde, meanwhile, just lays or sits there and lets her.  Silly girls.

That is our update.  Everyone is doing good.  I hope this finds y’all having a nice summer too.


  1.    benny55 said,

    July 24, 2013 at 1:11 am

    And what a nice update it is! It’s really refreshingto just hear all is well and everyone is living the fine spoiled life they so richly deserve!

    Speaking of “refreshing”—that Adelaide sure knows ow to chill out on HER sofa!! Makes me want to go take a nap!

    I think….yeah…pretty certain actually…we should have a video of Addy and Mathilde playing their “silly girl” game! It’s cute that Addy’s so gentle and Mathilde trusts jer to not chomp down!

    I’m glad that you actually get to take a little fun time for yourself on occasion! Well deserved for mom too!

    By the way, thanks for your help on this $#&# tablet last night It really is difficult if you weren’t “raised” with these things…….unbelievebly difficult. So any tid bit you throw my way is something I gobble up… a bowl of ice cream!,

    Thanks for the great photo. Addy is such a beautiful gitl……even with those baby blues shut tight in dream land!

    No one else in the pack likes the “bubble game”? Just the master bubble popper Brendol?

    Take care!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


    •    Karma said,

      July 24, 2013 at 2:51 am

      Thanks Sally. I will try to get a video of Addy and Mathilde. They never seem to be doing it when I have my phone in my hand. And yes, B is the only one that loves the bubbles. All the other girls look at them like aliens are landing on their heads. Of course, Aissa has some fun because she just watches B play with them and barks her little head off. I even got catnip bubbles for the little girls, but nope, they aren’t interest. So B gets them all to herself.


  2.    Michelle said,

    July 24, 2013 at 1:42 am

    Great update for Addy. We love great reports.

    Michelle & Sassy


  3.    benny55 said,

    July 24, 2013 at 3:30 am

    “Catnip bubbles”?? Really? That’s fantastic!

    If they make chocolate flavored bubbles I’m getting one of those machines………no, not for Happy Hannah…for me!


  4.    fourminipups said,

    July 24, 2013 at 4:00 am

    Thanks for the update and one that makes us smile. Keep on having a great Summer!

    Luanne and Shooter


  5.    jerry said,

    July 24, 2013 at 5:50 pm

    Addy you have such a great life! I hope that we get to meet you some day so you can show Wyatt how to play nice.


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