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Escape Artist

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:35 pm by Karma

As you can see from the picture here… Adelaide is VERY proud of herself.


Naughty Girl


I let the girls out this afternoon to play and when I went to check on them, I couldn’t see where Adelaide went.  So I checked all around the yard from the windows and no Adelaide.  I had to run upstairs and grab some pants (because I was lounging in pjs today) and I headed outside to walk to the back of the yard.  No Adelaide.  Both neighbors on each side of me were out working in their yards so I new she hadn’t gone out the front somehow or they would be telling me.  So I ran back inside and grabbed my shoes.  I walked the perimeter of the fence… No Adelaide.  I decided she must have gotten out the back of the yard.  I have a gate back there but it’s padlocked and of course I don’t remember the code.  So back to the house I ran to get the padlock code, the leash, and some treats.  Back to the gate we go… as I’m trying to get the padlock to unlock (it hasn’t been used in a couple years so it was a little rusty), guess who makes an appearance on the other side of the fence.  Miss Adelaide!  Happy as can be.  So I get to working on the padlock some more and look up and she’s disappeared again.  Finally get the padlock to let go and head into the back where there’s a driveway for the duplexes that are behind my property.  I do the sit still and listen and think I hear rustling in the woods back to the left.  Walking that way, I see a pretty siamese mix cat up in a tree clinging for safety… aha… I think I’ve found my fuzz butt head.  Sure enough I look down into the creek below and there’s Adelaide romping around in the water.  Fortunately, I called for her and she came.  (Miracle in itself).  Some neighbors had come out of the duplexes and were heading to their car when here comes Addy… and two of them jumped up onto their cars.  Really?  I tell them she’s friendly and don’t worry as I’m making my way to the car and they pretty much just don’t listen to me.  I finally get the leash on Adelaide and can relax.  Off we go to get back into the yard.  I re-secure the gate and decide that she must have slipped under the fence over in a spot where the yard runs off into the creek and washes away some of the earth beneath the fence.  I have placed a heavy ice chest on that spot for now… going to have to figure out how to fill it back in and make sure butthead can’t get under it again.  Of course, now her bottom half is covered in mud.  Guess we are headed for a bath now.  Fun afternoon.  I sure am glad she’s microchipped, but thinking I’d be even happier if she had a GPS on her butt.



  1.    wookie524 said,

    April 21, 2013 at 8:08 pm

    Husky + escape route + mud = the happiest dog on earth!

    Glad you got her back safe and sound. You need to patent that butt GPS. 😉


    •    Karma said,

      April 21, 2013 at 8:53 pm

      Yeah Kelly, she was a very happy girl. Now she keeps hanging out by the screen door like, let’s go do that again. ha ha I don’t think so!


  2.    Michelle said,

    April 21, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    LOL, well at least it happened on a weekend and not when you were trying to get ready for work. I am glad she is safe & sound.


    •    Karma said,

      April 21, 2013 at 9:45 pm

      Yeah, if it was during the morning, I’d be really mad.


  3.    benny55 said,

    April 21, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    Ohhhh Addy, Addy…..pure Huskey through and through! I know you’re already planning your next great adventure.

    Your poor mom was frantic with worry though. You could feel the breathless “panic” through the tablet:-)

    And people were fried of you?? That made it all the more fun, huh Addy?

    Keep on your adventures…..we love hearing about them:-) 🙂

    Move over Houdini 🙂 Sally and Happy Hannah


    •    Karma said,

      April 21, 2013 at 9:46 pm

      Can you imagine anyone afraid of her? She is so sweet looking. I just don’t get it.


  4.    fourminipups said,

    April 21, 2013 at 11:28 pm

    Addy! Didn’t anyone tell you it’s not nice to scare your mother (and the silly people on the cars). I’m sure you had quite the fun time, but I don’t think you should try it again.

    Glad she is home safe and sound!


  5.    Karma said,

    April 22, 2013 at 12:15 am

    Update… Addy is NOT a fan of baths. She kept trying to crawl over my shoulder to get out of the bathtub. Fortunately she doesn’t weigh that much. And while giving her a bath, the cats somehow pushed the bathroom door open to come in and check it all out. I managed to push the door shut again without losing control of Miss Adelaide, and next Brendol comes and pushes the door open. Crazy animals are not cooperating today. Now I am changed from being a soaked mess and the bathroom is mopped up. We have a clean husky once again.


  6.    Charley's Mom said,

    April 22, 2013 at 12:57 am

    Hee Hee!!! Way to go Addy! I love sneaking (running) to go visit the neighborhood kids and my mommy always gets way to worried….and I keep telling her that Tripawds just wanna have fun!!! 🙂
    Hugs and chocolate Labby Kisses,
    Charley (and my mommy, Ellen)


  7.    3dogmom said,

    April 22, 2013 at 3:46 am

    Wow Addie! Harley keeps looking at the gate wondering when he can make a run for it. Bummer on the bath situation….we have to go to the doggy wash, becuase no one here likes a bath.

    Keep up the good work and big hugs!
    Ilene & Harley


  8.    blackdogcompanion said,

    April 22, 2013 at 5:14 am

    Oh wow, Addy, what a day. I know you are already planning a new escape and thinking about that siamese but it’s much much better to stay in your yard.

    Oh, you and your mom made me laugh though. Quite the adventure. Scary dog and all!


  9.    mommamia said,

    April 23, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    Oh Addy!!!

    You are definitely giving your Mommy a run for her money!! Good thing you are the sweetest thing on the planet and your Mommy loves you!

    Sure is fun hearing about your adventures though!!
    I know your Mommy is exhausted!!

    Paws and Kisses!!


  10.    wyattraydawg said,

    April 23, 2013 at 11:59 pm

    Bhahahahahaha! Go Addy! You are my kinda Tripawd!

    Silly humans, they underestimate us don’t they? I’ve got some tricks I can show you when you come out to Colorado.


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